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open house battery cage system shed design in Ghana

The following are some of the things that farmers should pay attention to when cultivating chickens in the process of raising chickens in broiler cages, as well as some techniques of vaccination. I hope that the above descriptions can help farmers better complete the chicken immunization work. Avoid disease occurrence and improve the economic benefits of farmers.

1, the correct treatment of the response after vaccination for open house battery cage system shed design in Ghana: after the vaccination, farmers should pay attention to some chickens will only have some adverse reactions, more common are respiratory symptoms. After vaccination with Newcastle disease attenuated vaccine and infectious bronchitis vaccine, especially in winter, if the farmer's house is not well ventilated and the air in the house is dirty, the flocks are shook their heads, nose, and breath. If the reaction is light, the symptoms disappear in 2 to 3 days; in severe cases, erythromycin and electrolysis can be consumed, and the temperature can be appropriately increased to enhance the ventilation.

2, in order to avoid stress caused by vaccination for open house battery cage system shed design in Ghana, farmers should pay attention to the use of anti-stress drugs 4 to 5 hours before immunization when inoculation with eye drops, nose drops and other immunization methods to avoid the death of flocks caused by catching stress.

3,Pay attention to the use of combined vaccines for open house battery cage system shed design in Ghana : some vaccines need to be used in combination. In general, many vaccine manufacturers have combined them to make combined vaccines, such as new vaccines, etc. Farmers should pay attention to their inability to A variety of vaccines will be used in combination to avoid antagonism between vaccines, resulting in poor immune response.

4, Vaccinated chickens are not vaccinated for open house battery cage system shed design in Ghana : Farmers should pay attention to the work of sub-healthy or sick chickens that cannot be immunized. If the farmers vaccinate the diseased chickens, the side effects will be strong. The ground is manifested, so that these chickens die quickly, so the sick chicken should be vaccinated after recovery.


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