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high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity

With the rapid development of the chicken industry, people have a new understanding of the design and construction of the chicken farm and environmental control for high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity . Large-scale, intensive farms (households) are still the main force in China's poultry industry, but due to the breeding environment, The management level and the level of epidemic prevention are uneven. Many old buildings are still unscientific, and environmental planning and facility configuration are not reasonable. The production performance of chickens is difficult to fully exert, the difficulty of disease control is increased, and the breeding environment is deteriorating. Therefore, in order to produce pollution-free livestock and poultry products, it is necessary to take the risk-free transformation of the breeding environment and facilities, supplemented by sound breeding management techniques, and take the road of total quality control. For the renovation of the old chicken farm, the egg cage manufacturer suggested that the following questions should be considered:

(1) The structure of the chicken house is reasonable for high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity . It mainly includes ground treatment, ceiling setting, wall height, thickness and design of doors and windows, which make it have good heat insulation performance, good ventilation performance and easy to be washed and disinfected.

(2) Promote vertical ventilation and wet curtain cooling technology for high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity , improve the air environment of the chicken house, effectively reduce the temperature inside the house, especially in the hot summer heatstroke and play a significant role.

(3) The use of nipple drinking water facilities not only saves water for high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity , but also ensures the sanitation of drinking water and reduces the pollution of bacteria such as E. coli. At the same time, due to the reduction of water leakage, the feces are dry and not fermented, the ammonia concentration in the chicken house is reduced, and the breeding of mosquitoes and flies is greatly reduced.

(4) Disinfection tanks should be set up at the entrance of chicken farms and chicken houses for high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity , and disinfectant should be replaced regularly to reduce the spread of pathogens through the normal use of disinfection facilities.

(5) The chicken farm must have good sewage discharge conditions for high modern broiler farms 10000 birds capacity, and the clean road and the dirty road should be strictly separated. Chicken manure should have a special harmless treatment site, and vehicles that transport chicken manure should be strictly disinfected to prevent horizontal pollution.


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