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Broiler cage for chickens iron for sale in nigeria

The advantage of cage cages in feeding, egg breakage and mortality

1) Low mortality for cage for chickens iron for sale in nigeria. It has been observed that the laying hens move more and more in the shallow cage, and the amount of exercise is small. The deep cages travel around the four walls and have a large amount of exercise. Insufficient food intake for the weak, resulting in more diseases and high mortality. According to the comparative test report, the average mortality rate differs by 3.8%.

2) High feed returns for cage for chickens iron for sale in nigeria. Among the egg production costs, feed costs account for the first place. Reducing feed consumption is the main measure to increase profitability in chicken farms. In particular, China's feed supply is not yet abundant, and it is even more important to reduce feed consumption. The comparison test report between the shallow cage and the deep cage showed that the feed consumption decreased by 2.8% on average due to the reduced cage movement of the chicken.

3) The egg breaking rate is low for cage for chickens iron for sale in nigeria. The shallow cage shortens the length of the egg and reduces the impact of the egg rolling down. At the same time, the probability and time of staying at the bottom of the cage is reduced. Practice has confirmed that shallow cages have an average reduction of 2% over the rate of broken eggs.


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