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chicken cage for sale in philippines for laying hens

According to China's national conditions and technological advantages and foundations, the energy-saving problem of modern large-scale chicken production is concerned by chicken enterprises and related researchers. In recent years, the following development trends have emerged in the development and application of energy-saving environmental control technologies for large-scale chicken raising in China:

The first is to improve the efficiency of the ventilation system and equipment of the chicken house, and reduce the operational energy consumption of the ventilation environment control, such as the performance study of the livestock fan;

The second is to optimize the relationship between ventilation and heat preservation in the chicken house in winter, reduce heat loss, and implement measures such as clean production, such as timely drying the chicken manure using the waste heat of the house air, and transporting it to the outside to reduce the concentration of harmful gases in the house. And the amount of water vapor, reducing the necessary ventilation and ventilation in winter, thus achieving energy-saving operation;

The third is to make full use of new energy sources and use biogas to produce electricity from livestock and poultry manure. At present, the cost of biogas construction in livestock and poultry farms in China for 4 years is considerable, but it is mainly concentrated in the early construction of biogas digesters. In the later stage of operation, there is a lack of attention. There is no corresponding follow-up measures in the management to ensure the implementation. It has damped the enthusiasm of biogas development, and the problem of grid connection of biogas power generation has not been fundamentally solved. There has been a passive situation in which most biogas digesters have been built and the actual operation effect is poor.


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