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how to build poultry shed automatic feeding and egg collection

Chicks usually need artificial temperature in 0~8 weeks for how to build poultry shed automatic feeding and egg collection . Chicken cage manufacturers believe that the commonly used temperature-giving equipment has the following types.

1, Heating and heating for how to build poultry shed automatic feeding and egg collection : Install heating in the brooding house. The boiler is installed in other rooms, and the number of heating is determined according to the temperature inside the house. The method has a constant indoor temperature and is hygienic and suitable for large chicken farm applications.

2 ,coal stove heating for how to build poultry shed automatic feeding and egg collection : This is the heating equipment commonly used in China, especially in the north, and the house with good insulation can be placed in a coal stove of 20-30m2. The method is simple and easy, and can reduce the cost of brooding. When installing the chimney, the distance from the heat source to the outside of the chimney should be slightly upward to prevent the soot from being poured. This heating method is commonly used in smaller chicken farms. The disadvantage of this method is indoor air pollution, and the temperature is not constant.

3, Infrared heating for how to build poultry shed automatic feeding and egg collection : There are two main forms of infrared heating elements, namely, the heating element and the dark heating element. Both types should be installed under the metal reflector. The bulb for the heating element is 250 watts, which can heat 100-250 chicks. The dark heating body only emits infrared light and does not emit light. Therefore, it should be equipped with an illumination lamp. The body power is 180-500 watts. The height of the infrared heater from the ground should be determined according to the brooding season and the age of the chicks. In the cold season, it is 35cm away from the ground, and the hot season is 40-50cm away from the ground. The feed and drinker should not be placed in the middle of the heating element. The number of brooding of the heating body is related to the room temperature, and the method is suitable for ground raising or online raising.


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