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indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers

Egg cage manufacturers believe that smart egg cages for indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers should have the following characteristics:

First, it is convenient and accurate to record changes in the performance parameters of individual chickens in different environments according to the frequency set by the user for indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers , and can reduce the stress caused by chickens. The development of the system for poultry breeding, feed, Cao Yang It is of special practical significance to accurately and stably record various parameters and reduce the workload in such problems.

Second, the intelligent egg cage is mainly used for scientific research and production monitoring of chickens for indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers . It can be used to set poultry feed intake, drinking water box, excretion profit, egg weight, egg production time, etc. under set conditions, and can achieve simultaneous Perform monitoring assessment of multiple parameters of multiple animals.

Third, the system can be customized according to the needs of the researcher for indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers , and the function can be extended at any time by adding cages or measuring parameters.

Fourth, system operation and data collection are achieved through an integrated program for indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers . Data results can be exported as EXCEL files, providing links between the HYDK system and existing data analysis tools. The auxiliary data reduction tool makes it easy to group and analyze the parameters in the parameter chart. All data in the collection process can be displayed in real time as numerical values and graphs. The historical data can be combined and retrieved at will, and the real-time curve can be automatically formed for review.

Fifth, the intelligent egg cage can be fully automated for indonesia poultry layer cages manufacturers . At the same time, multiple production performance parameters of the experimental animals are collected.


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