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fully automatic system of poultry farm in nigeria

The following three are the reasons why the disease is repeated in the process of raising chickens in chicken cages introduced by farmers for fully automatic system of poultry farm in nigeria. It is hoped that farmers can pay more attention to them. Immunization is a matter that must be taken seriously in the process of farming. Reasonable immunity can To avoid the occurrence of many diseases, there are many ways for immunization farmers to refer to the article "Methods of Immunization in Chicken Cage Chicken Breeding" to understand different immunization methods.

1,The problem of feed is outstanding for fully automatic system of poultry farm in nigeria : many farms in the production process, due to knowledge, technology and other reasons, there are problems such as imbalance of feed nutrient content, low feed nutrient concentration, and low nutrient digestibility, which not only cause poor performance of chickens. The egg weight is low, the production cost is wasted, and it also affects the chicken's resistance to disease, causing nutritional metabolic diseases, various deficiencies and infectious diseases.

2,The epidemic prevention and disinfection system is not perfect for fully automatic system of poultry farm in nigeria : the disinfection work is a work that the farmers must do. Regular disinfection can kill the pathogenic microorganisms in the chicken house and prevent the disease. Many farmers have not established strict anti-epidemic disinfection and isolation. The system, the lack of necessary disinfection facilities, and the unsanitary farming environment, cause the pathogenic microorganisms to multiply and cause the occurrence and spread of the disease.

3, the chicken group stress response is serious for fully automatic system of poultry farm in nigeria : in the production of chicken due to improper management such as poor ventilation, water shortage, immunization, unreasonable lighting, etc.; environmental changes such as high temperature, noise, climate change and other factors lead to serious should The stimulating reaction affects the normal metabolism and immune response of the chicken, resulting in poor resistance, low production performance, and easy to cause various diseases.



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